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Souldern Flower Bed

For any of you who wondered, the planted display bed on the corner of Bovewell has for the last 14 years been maintained by a handful of volunteers. It was initially financed by the PC and currently is funded by the Horticultural Society. It does not cost much more than £100 a year for plants and bulbs, etc but requires about 15 hours each year to plant, water and tidy.

Without new volunteers forthcoming, it may be necessary to pay a gardener to continue with this attractive Village feature. If this is the case, I would ask whether a villager, local Business or a local organisation would be willing to sponsor display and cover the whole cost on a yearly basis?

flower bed

A small plaque could be put in display to acknowledge beneficiary each year.

If there was enough support for this idea, then we could look at creating another display bed elsewhere in Village on the same basis and having a rota of sponsorship. You may have seen some roundabout planting has been adopted in this way.

Please communicate any ideas or offers of help to
Carol Gray (Horticultural Society, Pleasant View, Souldern),
David Blunt (Gibbs Field House, 07850616822 :