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Parish Council — Precept for 2021/22

Souldern Parish Council receives funding for the work that it undertakes on behalf of parishioners through a Precept. This it receives from Cherwell District Council, who in turn collect it from individual households as part of the Council tax ( it is listed at the bottom of your annual invoice).

For many years the Parish Council have made every effort to maintain the precept at the same level, but this year we have asked for the precept to be raised.

There are a number of village assets which are likely to require remedial attention in the coming years, and if kept at the existing level, we just cannot afford to do this work.

Preliminary work is already ongoing to replace the playground, hopefully in three phases. This work has been delayed by the pandemic, and was originally intended to be started in 2020 following a village consultation last January.

There is also an amount of maintenance required on trees that are the responsibility of SPC, along with any wall repairs that may be needed.

It means that on average, each household will see their annual council tax increase by £9.

The Councillors will continue to carry out their duties to the best of their efforts, and hope that all parishioners are supportive of this change.

Nick Oakhill
Chairman, Souldern Parish Council