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History The Responses



This Appraisal Report is based upon the responses to a questionnaire which was delivered to every household in the village on Saturday, the 17th June 1989, and was completed in the following week. It consisted of two parts. The first, which sought statistical information about each family (number of adults and children in each house) and house (ownership, services, heating, garaging, vehicles etc), was completed by one adult for each household. The second, which invited information about all the residents, was completed by each individual over the age of 11 years.

The lengthier part requested, firstly, statistical information about individuals, length of stay in the village, age, disabilities, leisure interests, employment, use of services and facilities in the village; and, secondly, sought people's views on housing developments and certain specific issues which it was known were of interest or concern. Finally, respondents were asked to comment upon what they valued in the village, what they would wish to see changed and what preserved, and were invited to expand upon any matters of concern to them. There was a most impressive response from people in the village to the questionnaire, approximately 80% taking the time and trouble to reply. In studying the information and reading the comments which are set out in this appraisal booklet, readers must bear in mind that, while no doubt the contents are representative, they are not based upon all the households and inhabitants of the village.

However, there is every reason to believe that the four fifths of the residents who did reply (a total of 213) form a cross section of opinion in the whole village.

History The Responses