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Souldern Website

posted 31 Oct 2015, 01:30 by Souldern Village   [ updated 31 Oct 2015, 01:36 ]

Finally, thanks to the efforts of David Carlisle and his band of helpers we have a website for the village. will be available for general use from Sunday 1st November.

Our initial requirements were to build a site that fulfilled the obligations of the Souldern Parish Council in providing parishioners with detail and transparency relating to all issues covered by it. Once these were dealt with, our aim was to provide parishioners with a site that was interactive/ informative and user friendly. We hope that we have achieved these objectives, and would appreciate your constructive feedback on our efforts to date.

Most importantly, the site is not the finished article in its current format, it is meant to evolve and develop from this point forwards. The Parish Council will continue to maintain the content on the sections of the site that are dedicated to matters that come under its jurisdiction, and to provide information from either Cherwell District or Oxfordshire County councils. The other sections are there for the community to use and update. If you have any content that you wish to be included please contact the site administrator with any suggestions.

For those that visit the site from outside of our community, it should act as a source of information to tell them about our village past, present and future.

Without regular updates and input from members of the parish, the website will not succeed. Too many websites get neglected and become obsolete, we do not want this to be the case with ours.

You can help us with our first task, which is to get some pictures into the village gallery. If you have any photographs that you are willing to share from any recent village events e.g Souldern Solstice etc. please contact

Please make the most of this asset, we have waited a long time to see it come to fruition.