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Parish Council

Souldern Parish Council

Parish Councils represent the first tier of local government. They have the authority to raise money through taxation, known as the annual precept which is collected through Council Tax, and a range of powers with which to spend this public money.

In Souldern the precept is usually between £5700 and £6000. Some of the issues which may concern Parish Councils, are planning, playing fields and playgrounds, rights of way, community safety, litter, street lighting, maintenance of stone walls, grass mowing, burial grounds, village greens and bus shelters. More information about the role of Parish Councils can be found here:

Souldern Parish Council has five members, and they may be contacted through the Parish Clerk via email ( or via the web form.

Councillors are elected to the Council every four years, or if a vacancy arises sooner, they may be co-opted onto the Council.

Full council meeting are held every two months, and there is an additional meeting in the intervening month specifically to discuss planning issues. All meetings are held in the village hall and are open to members of the public.

The dates are advertised on the village notice boards, in the “Three Parishes,” and in the Parish Council Newsletter, and on the Announcements page of this website.

Souldern residents are very welcome to raise any concerns at these meetings and time is allocated for this. “Issues from the Floor” is always included early on in the agenda of each full Parish Council meeting. Whilst our constitution does not permit us to make decisions on matters not specifically itemised on the agenda, we will ensure that where appropriate, any concern which needs further discussion is included on the agenda for the following meeting.

Meeting Agenda

2024-06-27 Agenda
2024-05-23 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
2024-05-23 Annual Meeting Agenda

Full archive of Meeting Agenda.

Recent Minutes

2024-06-27 SPC minutes DRAFT
2024-05-23 SPC minutes

Full archive of Meeting Minutes.